Gdynia gets perimeter threats Emeloglu, Hammonds

Jul 24, 2019 by Print
Gdynia gets perimeter threats Emeloglu, Hammonds

Asseco Arka Gdynia transformed its perimeter in a matter of hours by signing perimeter threats Leyton Hammonds and Ben Emeloglu in quick succession on Tuesday and Wednesday. Hammonds (2.03 meters, 24 years old) arrives from Kormend of the Hungarian League, with whom he posted 13.3 points and 4.9 rebounds per game last season. He played his first professional season with Nokia of Finland. Emeloglu (1.96 meters, 23 years old) actually signed with Gdynia a year ago but was unable to play anywhere last season due to an injury. The swing guard split his university career between Virginia Tech and Southern Methodist University, where he averaged 19.7 points and 5.5 rebounds in his final season.