2002-03Regular SeasonRound 7
December 10, 2002 CET: 00:00
Local time: 00:00 MISTER VARENA

After six losses in a row, Telindus Oostende is now tasting its first win in the ULEB Cup. The Belgians defeated Opel Skyliners 85-75 before home crowd in Oostende on Tuesday, and now leave behind the zero in the win column, rising to 1-6, and avoiding for the moment mathematical elimination. Skyliners fell 2-5 and fifth place. Oostende built the win in the first half, taking a solid lead in the first quarter and improving it at halftime, never giving the impression that the first win would be threatened. Oostende was led by center Mike Nahar and forward Tony Dorsey, who contributed 16 points each. More double-digit scoring came from Christophe Beghin with 14 points, Rimas Kaukenas with 12, and Teo Cizmic with 10. Skyliners had 21 points from top scorer Mario Kasun, followed by Robert Garrett, 16, and Travis Conlan, who added 13.

Oostende had the big news of newcomer point guard Michael Hawkins to show, but former Real Madrid's point guard did not play (and contributed) so much. Kaukenas led the first run in the first quarter, when Telindus opened the first gap of the game, a solid 7 points between itself and Skyliners, 23-16. With good defense, Oostende was able to keep and then deepen the lead at halftime; Opel Skyliners had plenty of difficulties on offense, while Oostende played smart enough to earn 5 more points to defend at intermission, as the score was 42-30 after 20 minutes.

Mario Kasun tried to lead guests in the second half, but Oostende was tough enough to keep the advantage; with good inside playing of center Virgil Stanescu, who re-opened the game, Oostende improved its lead at the end of the third period (65-49) and the game seemed to move to its side. Skyliners was already suffering foul troubles with many players (Travis Conlan, Robert Garret, Kasun and Pascal Roller with 4), tried the last attempt with Garret and Kasun once again (72-63), but when Kasun was fouled out Skyliners had to rise white flag and Oostende's fans could celebrate the first European win of the season.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002
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Attendance: 2000
By Quarter1234
Opel Skyliners16141926
End of Quarter1234
Opel Skyliners16304975
  Rebounds Blocks Fouls
# Player Min Pts 2FG 3FG FT O D T As St To Fv Ag Cm Rv PIR
4 MAJOR, GERRIT 12:00 2 1/1 0/1     3 3   1 1   1 2   1
5 NAHAR, MIKEL 14:00 14 1/1 0/1 12/12 1 1 2     2     4 7 16
6 BEGHIN, CHRISTOPHE 24:00 16 5/7   6/8 2 4 6   2 3     5 6 18
7 CIZMIC, TEO 26:00 10 5/8 0/6   1   1 1         4 1  
8 HAWKINS, MICHAEL 36:00 7 0/2 2/4 1/2   3 3 5 1 5 1 1 1 4 9
10 DORSEY, TONY 33:00 13 5/11   3/8 5 7 12 2         1 6 21
11 MENAMA, BOB DNP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
12 KAUKENAS, RIMANTAS 33:00 12 0/5 3/3 3/4 1 3 4 2 2 1     5 3 11
13 RAHIER, JULIEN DNP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
14 VERDICKT, BRAM DNP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
15 STANESCU, VIRGIL 22:00 11 4/7   3/3 3 6 9 2 4 6 1   4 2 16
Team             1 1   7           8
Totals 200:00 85 21/42 5/15 28/37 13 28 41 12 17 18 2 2 26 29 100
        50% 33.3% 75.7%
Head coach: CASTEELS, EDDY
Min: Minutes played; Pts: Points; 2FG M-A: 2-point Field Goals (Made-Attempted); 3FG M-A: 3-point Field Goals (Made-Attempted); FT M-A: Free Throws (Made-Attempted); Rebounds: O (Offensive), D (Defensive), T (Total); As: Assists; St: Steals; To: Turnovers; Bl: Blocks (Fv: In Favor / Ag: Against); Fouls: Cm (Commited), Rv (Received); PIR: Performance Index Rating
Opel Skyliners
  Rebounds Blocks Fouls
# Player Min Pts 2FG 3FG FT O D T As St To Fv Ag Cm Rv PIR
4 KWIATKOWSKI, ANDRZEJ 25:00 7 3/3 0/1 1/3 2 1 3   1   1   3 1 7
6 KASUN, MARIO 25:00 21 8/13   5/11 5 6 11     5 1   5 9 21
7 NURNBERGER, KAI 5:00     0/1         1         1   -1
8 GARRETT, ROBERT 36:00 16 5/10 0/4 6/7   3 3 2 2 4 1   4 5 11
9 CONLAN, TRAVIS 35:00 13 4/7 1/3 2/4 1 6 7 3 4 5 1   5 2 13
10 MATINEN, JUKKA 22:00 9 1/3 1/2 4/4           1     1 4 8
11 ROLLER, PASCAL 31:00 7 0/5 1/2 4/4 1 1 2 1 1     1 4 2 2
12 PAPIC, STIPO 16:00 2 1/6     1 1 2     2     3 3 -3
13 MARAS, ROBERT 5:00   0/1                 1   4   -4
14 KING, ALEX DNP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Team           2 1 3   7           10
Totals 200:00 75 22/48 3/13 22/33 12 19 31 7 15 17 5 1 30 26 64
        45.8% 23.1% 66.7%
This game has no play by play yet

Head Coaches

"I still remember my first words entering into this competition and today I can still confirm them. I am dissapointed and I know that we could have gone further in this competition with a complete team and if Hawkins would have arrived earlier. It will be hard in February and March without European basketball."
Opel Skyliners
"I first would like to congratulate Oostende. It's entirely their merit that they won today. The last 2-3 games we look tired, we play without energy. We have a tough schedule : 7 games in 20 days. I am dissapointed in our effort today. We did not play together."


Opel Skyliners
"I am dissapointed. We have not been playing well in the last games. We are not performing as we should. We are making mistakes offensively as well as defensively. It is mainly about us."
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