2007-08Regular SeasonRound 14
January 31, 2008 CET: 20:30
Local time: 20:30 MEDIOLANUM FORUM

Le Mans outgunned Armani Jeans Milano 63-83

In a game for pride between two already-eliminated teams, Le Mans kept proving it might have done better with better luck as it outgunned Armani Jeans Milano 63-83 on the road in Group B. The game ended the Euroleague seasons for both teams with Milano in seventh place at 3-11 and Le Mans in eighth at 2-12. Luka Bogdanovic led five double-figure scorers for Le Mans with 17 points, Phil Ricci added 16, Raviv Limonad and Alain Koffi 13 each, and Nicolas Batum 12 for the winners. Milano, playing without star youngster Danilo Gallinari, who was injured, got 18 points and 16 rebounds from Travis Watson. Stefano Gentile and Dusan Vukcevic chipped in 12 points each and Ansu Sesay 11 for Milano.

Vukcevic opened the game with twin three-pointers that gave Milano an early 6-2 lead that it nursed behind points from Watson and Mindaugas Katelynas to lead 14-9. Bogdanovic and Nebojsa Bogavac rallied Le Mans with triples to within 18-16 at the end of one quarter.

Milano stretched its lead again to 22-16 on baskets by Casey Shaw and Ansu Sesay early in the second quarter, but Le Mans soon began its takeover with defense. On the other end, Limond, Koffi, Bogdanovic, Jeremy Leloup and Batum in turn filled up a 0-13 run. After Sesay got a couple free throws, it continued with Leloup and Antoine Diot extending the lead to 24-33 before Bogdanovic's triple sparked a 0-7 finishing run good for a 28-42 Le Mans lead at halftime.

Despite Watson's efforts for Milano, the trend continued after the half with Batum and Ricci pushing the lead to 33-49 for Le Mans. Batum and Bogdanovic's back-to-back triples later in the third quarter made it 37-56, putting the handwriting on the wall for a 48-65 difference after three quarters.

Nothing about the fourth quarter changed things, as Le Mans was content to trade baskets and Milano could not summon the defense necessary to rally for its fans. The difference hovered around 20 points the whole time and settled there, at 63-83, when the buzzer sounded to end both teams' Euroleague seasons.

Thursday, January 31, 2008
No results found.
Attendance: 1500
By Quarter1234
AJ Milano18102015
Le Mans16272218
End of Quarter1234
AJ Milano18284863
Le Mans16436583
AJ Milano
  Rebounds Blocks Fouls
# Player Min Pts 2FG 3FG FT O D T As St To Fv Ag Cm Rv PIR
5 SESAY, ANSU 20:57 11 3/8 1/2 2/2 2 3 5     1 1   1 1 10
10 ARADORI, PIETRO 23:41   0/3 0/3     1 1 2 1 2   2 3 1 -8
11 SHAW, CASEY 19:08 5 2/4   1/2 4 2 6   1 3       3 9
12 BOOKER, MELVIN 23:39   0/3 0/5   1   1 2 3 1     4 1 -6
13 WATSON, TRAVIS 28:27 18 7/12 1/1 1/4 9 7 16 1 7 4 2 1 3 5 33
14 VUKCEVIC, DUSAN 17:55 12 0/3 3/4 3/3       2   3   1   1 7
15 KATELYNAS, MINDAUGAS 18:49 2 1/4     2 3 5 1 2 1       2 8
16 GENTILE, STEFANO 13:24 12 3/3 1/3 3/4   1 1   1 1     5 3 8
17 MARELLI, DAVIDE 3:36                              
18 GIOVACCHINI, ANTHONY 30:24 3 0/5 0/2 3/4 1 2 3 1 1 3     3 4 -2
Totals 200:00 63 16/45 6/20 13/19 19 19 38 9 16 19 3 4 19 21 59
        35.6% 30% 68.4%
Head coach: CAJA, ATTILIO
Min: Minutes played; Pts: Points; 2FG M-A: 2-point Field Goals (Made-Attempted); 3FG M-A: 3-point Field Goals (Made-Attempted); FT M-A: Free Throws (Made-Attempted); Rebounds: O (Offensive), D (Defensive), T (Total); As: Assists; St: Steals; To: Turnovers; Bl: Blocks (Fv: In Favor / Ag: Against); Fouls: Cm (Commited), Rv (Received); PIR: Performance Index Rating
Le Mans
  Rebounds Blocks Fouls
# Player Min Pts 2FG 3FG FT O D T As St To Fv Ag Cm Rv PIR
4 BOGAVAC, NEBOJSA 21:14 5 1/2 1/4     3 3 1 3 1       2 9
5 BATUM, NICOLAS 33:10 12 2/6 1/3 5/6 1 6 7 3 3 4 3 2 2 5 18
6 DIOT, ANTOINE 24:50 2 1/2     1 2 3 5 3 4     2 1 7
7 KOFFI, ALAIN 15:52 13 5/5   3/3 1 3 4   1 1     4 2 15
8 LIMONAD, RAVIV 25:24 13 3/5 1/2 4/4   2 2 5 2 3     3 5 18
9 BOKOLO, YANNICK 15:19     0/1         2 2 2     1 1 1
10 LELOUP, JEREMY 14:13 5 1/1 1/1     1 1       1   5   2
11 BOGDANOVIC, LUKA 29:58 17 1/3 5/7     2 2     1     1   13
13 RICCI, PHIL 18:40 16 5/7 1/2 3/5   4 4   2     1 3 3 16
17 ALLERME, CLEMENT 1:20   0/1             1 1         -1
Totals 200:00 83 19/32 10/20 15/18 3 23 26 16 17 17 4 3 21 19 98
        59.4% 50% 83.3%

Head Coaches

AJ Milano
"We are disappointed because without Danilo for the whole game and Vukcevic in the second half, we were not in a good condition to play this game. We wanted to finish the Euroleague in another way, but we have a very bad loss at the end. The great athletic skills of Le Mans made all the difference tonight. Vukcevic had some troubles with his back in the warm up before the third quarter, we'll have to understand how important is this injury."
Le Mans
"We are happy for this victory, because we had some losses for a few points in this Euroleague season and so we are glad to back in Le Mans with our first victory away. Even if it was not important for the standings, we used this game as a great practice for us, and I really like the spirit of my team."


AJ Milano
"That's a pity to finish our competition with a defeat like this, but we didn't play this game with intensity. We had a good start, but then we had a lot of troubles in the second quarter and then we got mentally out of the game. Batum? We faced each other in the young national teams, he's a very good talent."
Le Mans
"It was important for us to come back home with this victory, which is the first one of the season away. We feel very good after this success, because I think that we have a project in this team with many young players to be back again in the Euroleague and be more competitive in the next seasons."
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