Lokomotiv Kuban Krasnodar
"Congratulations to Partizan for the win, for the game they played and for the atmosphere they created around the game. From our point, no matter about the absences, we were ready to play a tough game, to compete and to match their energy and athleticism. Unfortunately, our approach to the game wasn’t as good as we expected. Too many turnovers to set the tone of the game, but from the end of the second period, I saw the team respond differently, finally adjusting against this type of aggressiveness. To tell you the truth, most of what we did in the second half, it gave us the feeling that we can play until the end. Unfortunately, when we were close to finishing our job in the last three minutes, they were able to keep their level of energy and again we came back to previous mistakes with some turnovers, some blocks and we were not able to score, I believe, in the last 3 minutes."