Virtus Rome
"The beginning of the game was decisive. We didn't play the way we wanted to. We knew CAI Zaragoza is a tough team to face on the road - and we weren't ready. Possession by possession, defense by defense, we overcame that bad start. We made mistakes, but managed to return to the game with 18 second left due to our energy and attitude. We had a chance which we lost by missing free throws. We played really tough in the last 30 seconds, not allowing shots from their three-point shooters - Rudez, Stefansson and Roll. Our bigger mistake, however, was not stopping Shermadini. Even with that, playing on the road, I am halfway happy. It is a very close group and we lost a chance today, but now we will play in Bonn, in what will be a key game that we cannot lose - like we did against Gravelines."